General information: The pomegranate tree is native from Iran to the Himalayas in northern India. For several millenniums it had been cultivated in Georgia, Armenia and in the Mediterranean region. Pomegranate is a small tree up to 5 meter in height. The bark of the pomegranate tree is light brown with red buds and young shoots. The leaves are small, opposite, glossy and almost evergreen. The large and attractive pomegranate flowers are orange-red. The pomegranate is a popular exotic fruit. Pomegranate juice is especially used in everyday life and is known as a healthy drink. However, most phytochemicals and healthy components can be found in the rind of the fruit. Tea made from pomegranate rides is used to treat diarrhea, intestinal parasites, etc.
Pomegranate in Armenia: Armenia has traditionally been a motherland for pomegranate plants. The fruit is being cultivated in different parts of the country (mainly in warmer areas). Pomegranates in Megri region nurtured with hot sun are well known and highly valued by all Armenians. Pomegranate is not only an aesthetic pleasure (luxury) in every Armenian table but also has very useful qualities. All Armenians know this, but very few are aware how useful and healthier is the tea made from rinds of pomegranates. The regular usage of the tea is very effective mean to get rid of stomach problems and for overall purification of the body. 

Recipe: To make the extract you should add 10 grams of dried pomegranate rides in 200 grams of boiled water and boil for 15 minutes. After you can use the ready extract as a tea by adding some sweeteners and flavors.
Conclusion: First we are realizing the process of ride drying with fixed standards in order to keep every useful component of pomegranate ride. We are going to provide our customers tea made from the rides of pomegranates with new flavors and assortments. Assortments of the tea will include different fruit mixtures: such as mulberry, cornel, peach and pomegranate itself. As pomegranate is not available all year around the tea from our company will be a great opportunity for those who use it everyday and is keen to keep healthy lifestyle. Our main objective is to make the act of tea drinking pleasant and useful for everybody.
I like pomegranate wine, food with pomegranate and the fruit itself. As for pomegranate rind tea, it is both tasty and useful, but we don't use this tea very much, that is why I want to thank you for reminding us about all those kinds of tea ;)
wow great comment dear Anna. I totally agree with you. Me also like this fruit a lot and I'm sure pomegranate rind tea will be very tasty. I'll try and let you know ;)
Thanks a lot!
Thanks for reinforming us how useful is to use pomegranate not only as a fruit but also as medecine. Thaks Guys. This page is so usefull!!!!!!!!!!!!
nice post, now when i read it i would drink pomegrante tea not only for enjoying it but also for its positive influence!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Pomegranate is the favorite fruit of mine, which I didn’t know threats stomach problems. As you mentioned in the blog there is a biiiiiig problem_ it is not available the whole year. I will be one of the main clients of your tea!!!
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